
3 days in Kakadu

It was hot. There were flies. All par for the course on this fair dinkum Aussie outback adventure to Kakadu! I recently joined Wayoutback Australian Safaris for a 3 day tour through world famous Kakadu National Park in the tropical Northern Territory. I caught a flight to Darwin and joined 15 other backpackers on a tour…

A weekend in Yamba

A long weekend means it’s time to get away, so last week I drove south to Yamba – I’d heard a lot of good things and was keen to explore. It was a beautiful drive, and on the way I stopped at Bangalow for lunch at Choux Choux Patisserie. I crossed the Clarence River several…

How to cycle across the world

My mate Goldie cycled across the planet from London to New Zealand, and I recently asked him about his epic ride… The stats: 25,500 KMs 25 countries 15 months (220 days riding) $30-50 AUD a day (accommodation and food) Bike: Thorn Raven – steel framed, 14 gears, 4 paniers, 1 handle bar bag Countries: London,…

Tips for a weekend in Port Douglas

Port Douglas is No. 3 on Australian Traveller magazine’s list of 100 Best Towns in Australia. On the Queen’s birthday weekend I went to Port Doug with my boyfriend – we booked a package holiday  – something I’ve not really done before – the package part, not the holiday 🙂 It seemed to cover what…

Weekend Away Hiking O’Reillys

A microadventure at O’Reillys Rainforest retreat – that’s right – a microadventure! (Love that new word – thank you Alastair Humphreys). Leaving work early on a Friday meant I didn’t have to drive up the mountain in the dark, (VERY hairy road, but stunningly beautiful). The drive takes about 2 hours from Brisbane, well, a tad longer after…

How to make peace with your year

This time of year is exciting, it’s like starting a new chapter – you get to look ahead and plan a fresh new year for yourself. But before you do that, it’s worth reflecting on the year that was to ‘close it out’. Finding peace with ‘the year that was’ is important because it gives you…

My visit to an Earthship

Last night I stayed in an Earthship. What the heck is an Earthship I hear you ask? Well, let me explain…. Earthships are buildings made out of recycled materials including old car tyres. They provide completely sustainable, off-grid living for those who are brave enough or driven enough to embark on such an adventure. I…

Trekking Kokoda

The Kokoda Track – Difficulty: hard I step off the small 10-seater plane at Kokoda Station having just flown over the very mountain ranges we are about to traverse. They look endless and impenetrable. I can’t believe what we’re about to do. We gather together for introductions, our porters step forward in turn to tell…

Finishing Kokoda

I stepped off at Kokoda Station with my pack snuggly on my back, my two walking poles and an excited, nervous curiosity about the adventure that lay ahead. Eight days later I walked proudly under the arches at the end of the Track, with sore knees, dirt under my nails, and tears in my eyes….

Hiking socks

I joined Base Camp Fit on one of their organised hikes during my Kokoda training, and I asked Trainer Chase Tucker to give me some tips about choosing the best hiking socks. Over to you Chase….. Have you been on a trek or hike before and spent hundreds of dollars on the best hiking shoes only to get blisters…